Who we are
Preston Volunteer Emergency Services, Inc. (PVES)
is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that is in Pottsboro, Grayson County, Texas. PVES brings fire protection to Preston Peninsula, a rural community bordering Lake Texoma, and emergency medical treatment and transportation of the ill and injured to Preston Peninsula, City of Pottsboro, North Texas Regional Airport, and the Locust Community, also on Lake Texoma.
Why us
To Provide Very Exceptional fire protection and emergency medical Services to our community.
Preston EMS
Licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services and contracted by Grayson County and the City of Pottsboro to provide emergency medical care and transportation for the Pottsboro, North Texas Regional Airport, Locust, and Preston communities.
Preston Fire Rescue, Inc
Volunteer fire department contracted by Grayson County to provide fire protection services to the Preston Peninsula Community, north of Pottsboro.
Reserve our Community Room
Our community room at 85584 N. Hwy 289, Pottsboro, is available to residents of the Preston Community. It is a large meeting room with full kitchen facilities. Call 903-786-3010 or email prestonfirechief@pves.org to reserve the community room. There is no charge for use of the facility, but we accept donations!
Donate Aluminum Cans for Recycling
We collect empty aluminum cans for recycling at 85584 N. Hwy 289, Pottsboro. Drop your cans into the recycle bin on the north side of building at any time. Thank you!
About The Board
Directors are charged with performing their duties in good faith, using honesty and faithfulness to his/her obligations; with ordinary care, applying good judgment and common sense based on their individual background and experience; and, in the best interest of PVES.
Directors are volunteers who serve a three-year term. The terms are staggered so that four members rotate off the board each year. Nominations for new board members are expected in November, for December selection. New directors usually begin service to PVES in January.
Directors are expected to actively participate in the legal, management, financial, and program oversight necessary to further the PVES mission.
Regular board meetings are open to the public and held at 5:45 pm on the second Tuesday of each month in the Community Room at Preston Fire Rescue, 85584 N. Hwy 289, Pottsboro, TX 75076.
If you are interested in becoming a director, contact the President of the Board at pvesbodpres@gmail.com.